For the past decade, EGG HP investigators and partners have been working to develop new tools, tests, and technologies to help better understand pregnancy and infant health. We strive to put information from these innovations into the hands of expectant and new mothers and their healthcare providers everywhere.
We believe that all expectant and new mothers deserve the best information possible about their own health, and that with more information comes more empowerment.
Our mission is to put as much information as possible into the hands of expectant and new mothers and their healthcare providers so they can choose what is best for their pregnancy.
Our focus on information as empowerment continues into early motherhood when we work to help new parents in partnership with their healthcare providers to better understand their own health and that of their baby more deeply.

We are mothers, fathers, scientists, clinicians, technology experts, and business leaders with a shared commitment to turning knowledge into solutions in partnership with expecting and new mothers, their families, and their healthcare providers.

Mike Pawlowski​
Founder and Chief
Technology and Platform

Laura Jelliffe-Pawlowski, PhD
Founder, Chief Advisor
Science and Content

Will Jelliffe
Director of Systems and Applications
Larry Rand, MD
Clinical and Scientific Advisor
Academic Affiliation:
Akila Subramaniam, MD
Clinical and Scientific Advisor
Academic Affiliation:
The University of Alabama
Elizabeth Rogers, MD
Clinical and Scientific Advisor
Academic Affiliation:
Karen Tabb Dina, PhD, MSW
Clinical and Scientific Advisor
Academic Affiliation:
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Kelli Ryckman, PhD
Scientific Advisor
Academic Affiliation:
Indiana University at Bloomington

Ribka Amsalu, MD
Clinical and Scientific Advisor
Academic Affiliation:

Rebecca Baer, MPH
Scientific Advisor
Academic Affiliation:
Scott Oltman, MS
Scientific Advisor
Academic Affiliation: UCSF
Safyer McKenzie-Sampson, PhD
Scientific Advisor
Academic Affiliation:
Stanford University

Kate Monihan
Advisory Board Member
Affiliation: Seva Foundation
Noah Nasser
Advisory Board Member
Affiliation: Datma

Christopher Whitfield
Executive Advisory Board Member
Key Moments in Our Journey (So Far)
More About Our Founders:
MIKE AND LAURA are proud parents of a daughter born preterm after Laura developed preeclampsia. Mike has a deep experience in technology and software development and implementation, Laura is a global expert in the study of pregnancy and newborn health.
Despite Laura’s expertise in Epidemiology, Biostatistics, and Public and Global Health Sciences—specifically related to preterm birth—she struggled to get reliable information about her own condition. While her doctors were professional and helpful, they often couldn’t provide detailed explanations due to time and resource constraints. Online information was confusing and often not from reliable sources.
If Laura felt uninformed during her own pregnancy despite her expertise, how were those without her background in pregnancy and related complications supposed to feel? Were they getting the information they needed to have their healthiest pregnancies possible? What about after birth? Was information about health and wellness for mother and baby easy to find? Supportive?
After years of speaking with parents who experienced preterm birth and other conditions like preeclampsia, the answer was a resounding "no." Most mothers and families expressed a need for more information about their risks, how to manage them, and about early signs of labor. Many expressed a need for more information after birth too -- related to their own health and that of their baby.
This led to the creation of EGG Health Pregnancy (EGG HP), which is driven by Mike's technology and software expertise, Laura’s academic and research experience, and the EGG team's knowledge in building digital platforms, conducting epidemiological studies, and caring for pregnant people and their infants.
Laura was a highlighted Innovator on the Forbes 2023 50/50 list.
See a talk from one of our founders, Dr. Laura Jelliffe-Pawlowski, at the 2022 Precision Medicine World Conference: "Pregnancy Health: Treating Women as Their Own Best Experts"