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Updated EGG Deck Oct 2022-24.png

EGG HP Respectful Engagement Policy


HELLO EGG membership includes the ability to participate in a user community. This participation includes the ability to join a community and have a profile that is viewable to other members. Your posts posts or comments will be visible to other visitors of the website.


Egg Healthy Pregnancy (AKA EGG HP, HELLO EGG) reserves the right to remove any content or post within these communities for any reason including if a message or comment is deemed offensive or not keeping with our EGG HP RESPECTFUL ENGAGEMENT POLICY.


ALL PARTICIPANTS IN THE EGG HP/ HELLO EGG/ -CIRCLE, - CIRCLE CONNECT community agree to refrain from posting and content that could be interpreted as:


  • Harassment  or cyberbullying

  • Hate speech

  • Violent extremist or criminal

  • Other harmful or dangerous content


Individuals posting content that violates this policy may be suspended or permanently removed the site and communities. This decision is at the sole discretion of EGG HP.


This policy is adapted from established policies at YouTube and other online social and digital entities for which most users are familiar with or are otherwise adhering to as part of their use of other common online communities.


Harassment or cyberbullying includes (but is not limited to): 


  • Content that includes name calling or malicious insults (such as racial slurs) based on someone's intrinsic attributes. These attributes include their protected group status, physical attributes, or their status as a survivor of sexual assault, non-consensual intimate imagery distribution, domestic abuse, child abuse and more.

  • Content uploaded with the intent to shame, deceive or insult a minor. A minor is defined as an individual under the legal age of majority. This usually means anyone younger than 18 years old, but the age of a minor might vary by geography.


Any content or links deemed to be harassment or cyberbullying will be removed.


Hate speech:


We will remove content (or links to content) that promotes violence or hatred against individuals or groups based on any of the following attributes:


  • Age

  • Caste

  • Disability

  • Ethnicity

  • Gender Identity and Expression

  • Nationality

  • Race

  • Immigration Status

  • Religion

  • Sex/Gender

  • Sexual Orientation

  • Victims of a major violent event and their kin

  • Veteran Status


Violent extremist or criminal:


We will remove the following content (or links to this content):


  • Content produced by violent extremist, criminal, or terrorist organizations

  • Content praising or memorializing prominent terrorist, extremist, or criminal figures in order to encourage others to carry out acts of violence

  • Content praising or justifying violent acts carried out by violent extremist, criminal, or terrorist organizations

  • Content aimed at recruiting new members to violent extremist, criminal, or terrorist organizations

  • Content depicting hostages or posted with the intent to solicit, threaten, or intimidate on behalf of a criminal, extremist, or terrorist organization

  • Content that depicts the insignia, logos, or symbols of violent extremist, criminal, or terrorist organizations in order to praise or promote them

  • Content that glorifies or promotes violent tragedies, such as school shootings


Other harmful or dangerous content:


Content related to or links related to any of the following or other harmful or dangerous content will be removed (adapted from established policies at YouTube and other online social and digital entities):


  • Dangerous challenges: Challenges that pose an imminent risk of physical injury.

  • Dangerous or threatening pranks: Pranks that lead victims to fear imminent serious physical danger, or that create serious emotional distress in minors.

  • Instructions to kill or harm: Showing viewers how to perform activities meant to kill or maim others. For example, giving instructions to build a bomb meant to injure or kill others.

  • Hard drug use or creation: Content that depicts abuse of or giving instructions on how to create hard drugs such as cocaine or opioids. Hard drugs are defined as drugs that can (mostly) lead to physical addiction.

  • Eating Disorders: Content that praises, glorifies, or encourages viewers to imitate anorexia or other eating disorders. Eating disorders are characterized by abnormal or disturbed eating habits which negatively affect a person's health (including eating non-food items).

  • Instructional theft or cheating: Showing viewers how to steal tangible goods or promoting dishonest behavior.

  • Hacking: Demonstrating how to use computers or information technology with the intent to steal credentials, compromise personal data or cause serious harm to others such as (but not limited to) hacking into social media accounts.

  • Bypassing payment for digital content or services: Showing viewers how to use apps, websites, or other information technology to gain unauthorized access to audio content, audiovisual content, full video games, software, or streaming services that normally require payment.









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